Allocate Books
in Programming on Dynamic programming, Interview, Python
N number of books are given. The ith book has Pi number of pages. You have to allocate books to M number of students so that maximum number of pages alloted to a student is minimum. A book will be allocated to exactly one student. Each student has to be allocated at least one book. Allotment should be in contiguous order, for example: A student cannot be allocated book 1 and book 3, skipping book 2.
NOTE: Return -1 if a valid assignment is not possible
List of Books
M number of students
Your function should return an integer corresponding to the minimum number.
P : [12, 34, 67, 90]
M : 2
Output : 113
There are 2 number of students. Books can be distributed in following fashion :
1) [12] and [34, 67, 90]
Max number of pages is allocated to student 2 with 34 + 67 + 90 = 191 pages
2) [12, 34] and [67, 90]
Max number of pages is allocated to student 2 with 67 + 90 = 157 pages
3) [12, 34, 67] and [90]
Max number of pages is allocated to student 1 with 12 + 34 + 67 = 113 pages
Of the 3 cases, Option 3 has the minimum pages = 113.
- Firstly, check if the number of books is enough for all students.
- We use a dynamic programming approach, the DP matrix has count_pages[i][j] as the maximum pages assigned to one student when i students read j books.
- count_pages[i][j] = max(count_pages[i-1][k], sum( [ pages of all books from k to j ] )) with 0 <= k < j
- we try to minimize count_pages[i][j]
class Solution:
# @param A : list of integers
# @param B : integer
# @return an integer
def books(self, A, B):
n = len(A)
if n < B:
return -1
cumsum = [0] * n
cumsum[0] = A[0]
# calculate cummulative sum
for i in range(1,n):
cumsum[i] = A[i] + cumsum[i-1]
count_pages = [[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(B)]
for i in range(n):
count_pages[0][i] = cumsum[i]
for j in range(B):
count_pages[j][0] = cumsum[0]
for j in range(1, n):
for i in range(1, B):
best = 10 ** 6
for p in range(j):
best = min(best, max(count_pages[i-1][p], cumsum[j]-cumsum[p]))
count_pages[i][j] = best
return count_pages[-1][-1]
##Painters’s partition problem
You have to paint N boards of length {A0, A1, A2, A3 … AN-1}. There are K painters available and you are also given how much time a painter takes to paint 1 unit of board. You have to get this job done as soon as possible under the constraints that any painter will only paint contiguous sections of board.
2 painters cannot share a board to paint. That is to say, a board
cannot be painted partially by one painter, and partially by another.
A painter will only paint contiguous boards. Which means a
configuration where painter 1 paints board 1 and 3 but not 2 is
Return the ans % 10000003
Input : K : Number of painters T : Time taken by painter to paint 1 unit of board L : A List which will represent length of each board
Output: return minimum time to paint all boards % 10000003 Example
Input :
K : 2
T : 5
L : [1, 10]
Output : 50
class Solution:
def cumsum(self, C):
n = len(C)
cum = [0 for i in range(n)]
cum[0] = C[0]
for i in range(1,n):
cum[i] = cum[i-1] + C[i]
return cum
# @param A : num of painters
# @param B : time taken by painter to pain 1 unit
# @param C : list of integers
# @return an integer
def paint(self, A, B, C):
n = len(C) # number of jobs
# cummulative jobs
cum = self.cumsum(C)
# intialize M; (A x n) array
M=[[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(A)]
for i in range(n):
M[0][i] = cum[i]
for i in range(A):
M[i][0] = C[0]
for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(1, A):
best = 10**10
for p in range(i):
best = min(best, max(M[j-1][p], cum[i]-cum[p]))
M[j][i] = best
return M[A-1][n-1] * B % 10000003
Distinct Subsequences
Given two sequences S, T, count number of unique ways in sequence S, to form a subsequence that is identical to the sequence T.
Example :
S = "rabbbit"
T = "rabbit"
Return 3. And the formations as follows:
S1= "ra_bbit"
S2= "rab_bit"
“_” marks the removed character.
class Solution:
# @param A : S string
# @param B : T string
# @return an integer
def numDistinct(self, A, B):
n = len(A)
m = len(B)
if m > n:
return None
count = [[0 for i in range(n+1)] for j in range(m+1)]
for i in range(n+1):
count[0][i] = 1
# for i in range(1, m+1):
# count[i][0] = 0
for i in range(1,m+1):
for j in range(1,n+1):
if B[i-1] != A[j-1]:
count[i][j] = count[i][j-1]
count[i][j] = count[i][j-1] + count[i-1][j-1]
return count[m][n]